
Being pregnant is very special experience. You may have mixed feeling of happiness, excitement and anxiety. Particularly if this your first pregnancy. While you are waiting for the arrival of your baby, you many be concerned about eating the right the right food, or doing the right things for your baby Pregnancy is the time to pamper yourself. Eat well, stay healthy and get plenty of rest. A healthy pregnancy is often the result of proper mothercare. It is also the key to a wondrous beginning in life for your baby.

Womens Story and Pregnancy

e shtunë, 24 nëntor 2007

Good Nutrition For "Two"

The food you eat during pregnancy supplies your baby's need as well as your own.Therefore good nutrition is essential for the healthy development of the growing baby and the maintenance of your own health."eating Well" does not mean "the more you eat, the better" but the true definition is the quality of the food you choose rather than the quantity. The quality of the food is the most important thing must be considered.
Apparently, the additional energy require in our body is about 10% - 15% of the normal energy intake.Taking 2 cups of milk daily is the easiest example of the additional energy.But, during pregnancy all the food taken must be more compared to the normal human being needed.
Pay extra attention on the following nutrient might be help for better health for baby and the mother.


Protein is essential for building tissues. An adequate supply of protein will help on the growth of the baby, placenta,uterus,breast tissue and blood supply. Milk,meat,fish,eggs and legumes are the excellent example of protein.Usually, mother eating a varied diet that includes lacto-ovo-vegetarian (vegetarian diet that includes eggs and milk) should not be facing any problem in protein requirement.
Instead, vegan (no animal products including eggs and milk) mothers need to be more careful with their diet as cereals, beans, and nuts do not contain the whole supplement or complement of essential amino acids on their own.Combination of them can help meet the need of amino acids.

Amino acids are building block of protein. essential amino acids are those that our body cannot make and we need to get them from our diet.

Complementing Proteins

~ Cereals + Legumes
  • Bread + peanut butter
  • Chapatti or Tosai + dhall
  • Corn soup + rice
  • Tempeh + rice
~ Cereals + seeds
  • Glutinous rice dumplings filled with black sesame paste (in soybean milk)
  • Rice sprinkled with sesame seeds.
  • Wheat flake breakfast cereal or Oats with sunflower seeds
~ Legumes + seeds (except sunflower seeds)
  • Bean salad + sesame seeds
It is good to check with your doctor or dietitian regarding the adequacy of your diet if you are a vegan because nutrients such as calcium, iron and vitamin B12 are potentially low.


Iron is necessary for the manufacture of blood. It sis a major part of haemoglobin that carries oxygen around the body. Your blood supply increases during pregnancy, creating the demand for iron. Your baby needs iron for normal development too.

If your diet is lacking in iron, you could become anaemic. Liver, meat, kidney, poultry and fish are the best sources of iron. Liver is also high in vitamin A, which if taken in excess may harm your baby. So, do not eat liver more than once a week and always eat in small quantities. Green leafy vegetables, wholegrain cereals, nuts, raisins and beans contain moderate amounts. The iron in these foods is less absorbable. Eating a vitamin C rich food such as a slice of papaya or a glass of juice will increase the absorption of iron from vegetable sources.


Both you and your baby need calcium for strong bones and teeth, normal blood clotting and functioning of nerves and muscles. Milk and other dairy foods are the best dietary sources of calcium because:
  • Milk is rich in calcium
  • The high levels of the milk carbohydrate i.e. lactose, and the presence of vitamin D increase calcium absorption.

Choose low fat dairy products whenever possible. If the increased requirement of calcium is not met by your daily intake, calcium will be drawn form your bones to meet your baby's requirement. After your pregnancy, if your diet continues to be low in calcium, your will be more prone to osteoporosis (brittle bones) later in life.Fish will edible bones, some soybean products (e.g. tofu) and green leafy vegetables are also good sources of calcium.

Folic Acid

Folic acid, a B vitamin, is needed for the formation of new cells such as red blood cells. Deficiency may cause you to be anaemic and your baby will be at higher risk of Spina Bifida (Neural Tube Defect). Folic acid is found in food such as liver, kidney, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, wholegrain cereals, orange and yeast extract.

Essential Fatty Acids.

Fatty acids are building blocks for fat. Essential fatty acids are fatty acids that our body cannot manufacture, thus must be obtained from food. These are linoleic acid (LA) acid (ALA). LA and ALA and alpha-linolenicara particularly important during pregnancy because of the constant demand of new cell formation.

LA and ALA is further processed n the body to arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA) respectively. AA and DHA are vital for proper growth and brain development of your baby.

Studies have shown that pregnant mums who eat plenty of "oily fisher" such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel and cod have higher amounts of DHA passed on to their babies.

Most of us eat a diet that is high in LA and usually it is ALA that is limiting. This is because ALA is less widely found in food. Therefore, use cooking oil such as soybean and canolawhich are good sources of ALA and eat plenty of oily fishes to get DHA in your diet.

You should avoid excessive weight gain. Excess weight can be hard to lose after your baby is born and can lead to long term overweight.
  • You should not eat double of everything.
  • Eat less of the following foods:
Fried foods, fatty snacks e.g. potato crisps, chocolates, rich cream cakes and pastries.
Sugary foods and drinks

Tips for healthy eating during pregnancy:
  • Choose foods from the 5 food groups in adequate amounts to ensure a balanced diet
  • Have 3 regular meals and 2-3 light snacks a day.
  • Include generous helpings of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and beans to increase you fibre intake.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids such as low fat milk and fresh fruit juices.
  • Eat "oil fishes" about 2-3 a week.
  • Use canola or soybean oil in your cooking.
  • Always eat fresh, wholesome foods. Processed foods usually have a high sodium content.
  • Reduce caffeine intake by cutting down on coffee, tea and cola. Restrict tea or coffee to 1-2 cups daily, preferably drink weak tea or coffee.
  • Avoid alcohol especially in the first trimester.

e hënë, 25 qershor 2007

· Stages Of Pregnancy

The normal length of a pregnancy is about 40 weeks after the last menstrual period. At 38 weeks after ovulation and conception your baby grows very rapidly inside the mother. In the first 10 weeks after conception, it develops from a single cell into a recognizably human baby with over 200 million cells. During this first 10 weeks, the developing baby is referred to as an embryo. After that is called a foetus.

6 Weeks

The beginnings of a backbone and brain are forming. The heart starts to beat. You will be able to hear this if your doctor performs a transvaginal ultrasound examination. You may experience increased pigmentation, engorged breasts, morning sickness, increased urinary frequency and vaginal discharge.

7 Weeks

Four tiny swellings have developed. They are the beginnings of hands and feet. The “tail” gradually disappears into the body (length 5 – 8 mm).

8 Weeks

All the major internal organs are now formed. The embryo has eyes (but no eyelids) and an external ear canal. It starts to make tiny movements but you cannot feel them yet.

12 Weeks

The foetus is now about 7 cm long and weighs like an ordinary letter (20g). Finally, he is recognizably human. His head is still very large in proportion to the rest of his body. All his essential organs are functioning though it is still a long way before he can survive independently. At this stage, he is less vulnerable to any interference from say, drugs or virus that may cause malformation.

16 Weeks (4 months)

You uterus is now palpable and is entirely by the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid. Your uterus will stretch gradually as your baby grows. Your baby begins to swallow and pass urine. He has fingernails and toenails. His skin is bright red and transparent. He about 15 cm long (approx 120 g). Your bulge is beginning to show. Your clothes are getting tight. Any sickness you felt earlier will usually be gone by now. There may be some secretion (colostrums) from your nipples.

20 Weeks

your baby’s hair starting to appear and he now has eyebrows and eyelashes. His eyes are still closed. Your baby’s body is covered with a fine, downy hair called lanugo. He is now about 23 cm long (approx 300 g).

Sometime between 18 – 22 weeks, your begin to feel your baby moving as he wriggles about and stretches his arms and legs. This is called “quickening”.

24 Weeks

Your baby now measures about 30 cm long (approx 640 g). He has distinct periods of sleep and wakefulness.

You are noticeably pregnant now.

28 Weeks

If your baby was bron now, he would have a fair chance of surviving. However, he would have to be put in an incubator because his lungs are still not well-developed.

He is now covered in a thick, white grease called vernix caseosa. This prevents his skin from becoming water-logged

Your baby is now about 35 cm long (approx 1230 g). His kicks are quite strong and can be felt by putting a hand on your tummy.

32 Weeks

your baby starts to put on some fat and becomes less wrinkled. His lugs and internal organs are starting to mature. He is about 40 cm long (approx 1700 g).

You may lean back noticeably to counteract your baby’s weight and walk with your legs slightly apart to help your balance.

36 Weeks

Usually by now your baby has taken up his final position in the uterus with his head down towards your pelvis.

At about 45 cm long (approx 2300 g), your baby has almost completely filled the uterus.

Your baby has not more room to somersault around but continues to gain weight.

Your may be able to see your tummy moving when your baby moves his limbs. Often you can guess whether the bump is a limb, his head or his body.

40 Weeks

Anytime from 36 weeks onwards, your baby’s head drops down or ‘engages’ into your pelvis, ready for birth.

From 38 weeks, at about 50 cm long (approx 2500 g) your baby is referred to as “full term”. 40 weeks is the average length of pregnancy. It is perfectly normal for your baby to arrive anytime between 38-40 weeks.

e martë, 19 qershor 2007

Weight gain during pregnancy

The weight gain of every expectant mother varies.

The ideal total weight gain should be 10 – 12.5kg. You may put on more or less weight. The distribution of weight gain is as follows:

Blood, extra fluid 22%

Uterus, breasts


Amniotic fluid






Most women do not gain much weight in the first three months. However your weight may increase tremendously during the second tree month. Weight gain slows down to about 1 kg per month during the last three months.

Your weight gain :

10 weeks (0.65kg)

20 weeks (4.0kg)

30 weeks (8.5kg)

40 weeks (12.5kg)

Managing Your Weight

If you are underweight at conception, it may be due to an inherent lean body build, illness or poor food habits. If the cause is illness or poor food habits, it is important for you to establish a good diet now as your body nutrient stores may be low. Your total weight gain should be a gain which brings you up to your desirable weight and an additional 10 – 12.5kg.

If you are overweight at conception, you may be at increased risk for hypertension and gestational diabetes. However, pregnancy is not a time for “dieting”. Stick to a healthy, balanced meal plan instead of indulging yourself in foods high in fat and/or sugar. Your total weight gain should be about 9 kg.

If you are healthy weight at conception, do not use pregnancy as an excuse for overeating. You should be eating for two but remember you do not need to eat double quantity at every meal in order to benefit “two”. Quality is more important than quantity.

Eat nutritious food rather than “junk food” to get energy (calories). Eating the right amount of nutritious food will help you to prevent excessive weight gain.

When You Are Pregnant

The first sings and symptoms are

  • A missed menstrual period
  • Your breasts become fuller and the nipples are sensitive
  • You may feel tired or sleepy more than usual
  • You feel the urge to urinate more often

Home pregnancy test

A urine test for a hormone (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) that is produced only in pregnancy can confirm your pregnancy. It is advisable to have the test done one to two weeks after your first missed period. With a positive urine test, make a doctor’s appointment for proper medical care and follow-up.

You attitude

Expected date of delivery

A simple method is by reference to an Obstetric Table. This date is 280 days from the first day of your last menstruation.